toi kiri 2023

Enveloped in our stories, tā tatau and tā moko hold ...

VIFF Vancouver Premiere – s-yéwyáw: Awaken

VIFF Vancity Theatre 1181 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Created in collaboration with a trio of Indigenous multimedia changemakers, s-yéwyáw: Awaken allows us to bear poignant witness to intergenerational trauma, and to partake of the wisdom and insight of Indigenous Elders.

Winter Solstice Retreat

Wildwood EcoForest 2929 Crane Road, Ladysmith, BC, Canada

Nourish yourself with a day retreat of healing, with the magic of the Winter Solstice, through ancestral guidance and sacred tools.


Full Moon in Scorpio Virtual Gathering


Ecko + Sami hold the container for us to discover what’s asking to be seen and heard. We complete the cycles no longer serving and hold a pause for what’s ready to rise.

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