Our Partners

healer, creator, innovator, and revolutionist
Sami Bass

Sami uses ancestral medicine practices, healing modalities, and creativity to bridge the gap between modern media and the ceremonial art of storytelling to create healed people, and healing stories – returning us and our legacy to the highest good for all.

Sami began working in healing modalities with the body and meditation in 2009. To learn about injury recovery and the relationship between trauma and stored somatic experience, Sami studied with the Harkness Center for Dance Injuries, the Equinox Academy, The Brookbush Institute for Human Movement Science, and Yoga Vida’s Sexual Abuse Trauma Informed Training. Gaining a vast understanding of movement, mechanics, and injuries led to a realisation that there was more to be learned about the connection between the spirit, the emotional body, and how the physical body functioned. Sami began studying under Mayan Quechua and Shipibo-Conibo elders and healers who taught the body through a spiritual lens, and honed her craft as a channel and medicine holder. Sami has also trained with EntheoNation’s Plant Spirit School, graduating in psychedelic integration in March of ’23, as well as Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing International’s Trauma for BIPOC practitioners.

Sami offers Ancestral Channeling, Somatic Movement Repatterning, Integration & Medicine. She has also offered trauma-informed consulting on dozens of movie sets. She recently joined the board of directors for Hire Survivors Hollywood to curate less harmful working environments for survivors in Hollywood.


Working with Sacred Matriarch Creative, Sami and Ecko create healing containers that return humans to their ancestral and earth-based roots with a focus on environmental impact and community safety and inclusion.